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RAPID Alliance Co-Creation Support Platform
Hundreds of Interconnected Catalysts and Initiatives with their own sites and workspaces.
The RAPID Alliance Co-Creation Support Platform is a partially decentralized interconnected digital network operated for the "public good". It operates using low cost or free, openly accessible digital services. At the present time, most services are operating using Google Workspace and Google Cloud. This architecture is hypothesized as an optimal digital infrastructure for the RAPID Alliance based on current technologies and the RAPID Alliance stage of development.
Scientific Background
Service Ecosystem Design Science
Service ecosystem design science provides a foundational framework for the development of the RAPID Alliance and TIEs. Here is a brief overview of Service Ecosystem Design Science. Note how it focuses on co-creating institutional change to improve society.
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We used service ecosystem design science to co-create a special design for the RAPID Alliance called an Ecosystem Collaborative Type 1. This is a very large scale digitally connected collaborative that re-aligns incentives to enable key stakeholders from across an entire ecosystem to co-create solutions to problems that no one group, including government, can achieve on their own. It involves bringing together participants (leaders, experts and scholars), partners (leading organizations, associations, government agencies, corporations and others) and catalysts (business units operating within existing organizations) from four communities: wellness, research, funding and action. Government agencies, non-profits, and for-profits can be included in each area, as appropriate.